Our Story

How it all started...

Lighthouse is an exciting church that was started in the summer of 2009 with only 8 people. Our very first meeting place was in the old Holiday Inn and once we outgrew that meeting place we continued to meet at the Fairgrounds.
In June of 2010, Lighthouse purchased the old Don's Super Valu and was able to relocate to this location in 2011.
In 2013, the grocery store was renovated into a 550-seat sanctuary.

Expanding the vision...

Lighthouse is a Church that seeks to glorify God supremely in all that we do, love people sincerely where they are, and carry out the great commission with passion. We preach the Word of God boldly, clearly and graciously, and believe the gospel can transform people
as well as a city.
In 2017, We sent and supported Lighthouse's first missionary family,
Eric and Ashley Woodworth, to Honduras.
In 2023, we launched Lighthouse Bible Institute.
In June of 2024, God has allowed us to pay a 1 million dollar loan in 4 1/2 years allowing Lighthouse to be debt-free.

Where we are headed...

God has done an amazing work over these past 15 years:
We have seen over 15,000 first-time visitors; over 6,100 decisions for Christ; 973 baptisms; 1484 people have joined Lighthouse; and our congregation has grown from 8 people to over 700 on Sundays!
Our Church family has members who come from over 30 different cities.
We currently support 60 missionaries worldwide.
The gospel message is proclaimed on multiple radio stations and social media platforms.

In the future years at Lighthouse we are praying and planning to expand the facilities with a new 1,200 seat sanctuary, and an expanded nursery, additional classrooms, a large foyer, and expanding parking. We are also praying to launch new Churches in both the Huber Heights and Miamisburg areas within the next 5 years.
Please see our Eternal Impact page for the future of Lighthouse.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 8:30 am and 11 am.